"I've seen people change the most incredible things, and I've personally experienced going from a life with traumatic experiences to a life that is safe and good.

– We all have the potential for change."

Deborah Borgen signatur

Deborah Borgen's Foundation

Today, there is a huge focus on sustainable development. Therefore it is important that we remember that ultimately it is the human being – the individual – who is the sustainable force.

Our aim is to strengthen and uplift the individual and realize the individual’s potential, using tools and techniques for self-help. We want to contribute enabling the individual to handle their own life challenges and contribute to an increased experience of life mastery.

The foundation will emphasize promoting good psychological and mental health in the population, work with prevention, and at the same time give people who are struggling the help they need.

We do this work with our tool for change – DB-System®, which puts the new global view on mental health into a system.

We will contribute to changing the treatment offer and the educational system, so that these important social institutions are qualified for the future.

You can become our supporter

Together, we can do something about the biggest social challenge of our time – mental disorders and ill health.

There is many things going on in the world today, and a quick look at the news can make us feel discouraged. That’s when it’s important to remember that no one can do everything alone, but by working together we can achieve a lot! 

You can support our work that uplifts the individual, and promotes good psychological and mental health in society.

Our passion is to help people make changes!

Deborah Borgen

There is a force deep within humans, which we can consciously use in our lives.

When I hit the wall and became seriously ill, I also had a near-death experience.

I then discovered that we have unused potential, and that we all have the resources to create a good life for ourselves and others.

Cecilie Stenhaug

Cecilie Stenhaug

I got to know Deborah and her philosophy when I studied pedagogy. I had no doubt that this was the work I would spend the rest of my life doing.

There are to matters that I am passionate about: The first is to give children and young people a good start in life. The second is to change the educational system into a more human-oriented education.

Dorothee Tettweiler

Dorothee Tettweiler

I met Deborah in a project she has in Trondheim municipality, and I just knew that this work was something valuable and unique, which I wanted to take part in. When the foundation became a reality, I had no doubts.

Finally, I could contribute with my knowledge and my enthusiasm to help people help themselves.

Jeanette Bredsten

Jeanette Bredsten

Without the DB-System® and the techniques for change that I learned, I am sure that I would have been part of the statistics of depression, stress, burnout ...

I am passionate about getting this system into society – it prevents, while treating causes – not just symptoms. We have to get out of the roundabouts!

The dream of a foundation

For many years I have spoken out about my dream of a center or a foundation, where we can uplift and spread DB-System® in society.

The fields of mental health and substance abuse are close to my heart, as well as children who grow up in insecurity and uncertainty. This was something I experienced growing up.

You can read more about the dream here