About Deborah Borgen's Foundation

Deborah Borgen’s Foundation was established on 24 June 2022 and is a non-profit organization.

Our goal is to improve competence and the quality of services that influence the mental health of children, youth and adults.

It is a moving story and a long journey, which is the basis for the creation of the foundation.

You can read the story here

Matters that are close to our hearts

We have two matters that are close to our hearts and are important to us and that we focus folly upon.

One of these is to contribute to change the current treatments offered within the mental health sector.

One of these is to contribute to change the current treatments offered within the mental health sector.

It shouldn’t be necessary for the patient to be ill in the «correct» way in order to receive help, or that healthcare personnel lack the support and resources they need in order to do their job in a good way.

We must ensure that those who work in this field and are responsible for the mental health of others, directly or indirectly, are good and secure professionals. Professionals with good people skills – those who help people to feel that they are seen, heard and understood, while giving people tools for self-management and self-help.

The healthcare system and psychiatry must be adapted to the needs of those who need help, and those who help must have the necessary people skills. In addition, they must have a good system for self-care and their own reflection practice.

By supporting and strengthening those who are supposed to help – the good helper – we create sustainability in the healthcare system.

It shouldn’t be necessary for the patient to be ill in the "correct" way in order to receive help, or that healthcare personnel lack the support and resources they need in order to do their job in a good way.

We must ensure that those who work in this field and are responsible for the mental health of others, directly or indirectly, are good and secure professionals. Professionals with good people skills - those who help people to feel that they are seen, heard and understood, while giving people tools for self-management and self-help.

The healthcare system and psychiatry must be adapted to the needs of those who need help, and those who help must have the necessary people skills. In addition, they must have a good system for self-care and their own reflection practice.

By supporting and strengthening those who are supposed to help – the good helper – we create sustainability in the healthcare system.

Our second matter of heart is the upbringing and education of children and youths.

All children should have a safe and good childhood. We want to contribute changing the education system, so that the most important knowledge they gain is knowledge of how we function as human beings. 

They must learn about connections between emotions, thoughts and actions, so that they can set goals, deal with life's adversities and successes, while experiencing mastery in reading, writing and mathematics. Skills they obviously need in what we look upon as "people-oriented education".

In short, we will contribute to changing the treatment offered and the education system, so that these important social institutions are qualified for the future.

Our passion is to help people make changes!

Areas of responsibility:
Helse og omsorg, rus- og psykiatrifeltet, barnevern, beredskap og nødetater, samt kriminalomsorgen

Areas of responsibility:
Upbringing and education

Areas of responsibility:
Course: From violence to a life with safety

Areas of responsibility:
Administration and IT

Articles of association and the board

Here you will find the articles of association of the Deborah Borgen's Foundation (PDF).

This is the board of the Deborah Borgen's Foundation:

Chairman: Deborah Borgen

Board members: Stian Borgen, Cecilie Stenhaug, Dorothee Tettweiler and Jeanette Bredsten.