Cecilie Stenhaug – Areas of responsibility: upbringing and education
In a recent Norwegian video, Deborah Borgen talks about her experiences, and how you can help support us with the work we do in the foundation.
In this regard we found that we want to share an update on what we have been working on lately and what exciting plans we have going forward.
You can read about:
- New pilot project in Kjeldås kindergarten
- Pilot project in school – do you know a school?
- Tutu booklets
- Qualified for the future
- Certification for those who work with children and young people
- Our thoughts on a people-oriented education
Projects – children’s and young people’s upbringing and education
Pilot project in kindergarten
This autumn we are starting a pilot project in Kjeldås kindergarten in Sande.
The foundation wants to collaborate with the field of practice (of those who work with children) to create good upbringing conditions.
In this pilot project, we are seeking experiences from those who work in kindergartens when it comes to the useful value and simplicity of using DB-System® when working with children. The main focus is to teach the participants to use parts of the method for relaxation and reflection on their own practice. We will also investigate how they feel this affects cooperation with parents and colleagues, and the work with the children.
Experience-based knowledge from those who carry out the work with children is an important source of knowledge-based practice. Focusing on the experiences of those who work with children, we at the foundation will gain valuable insight into how a small part of DB-System® can be used in kindergartens. Those who work with children will be able to get an effective tool to promote good reflection practice in the kindergartens.
The pilot project will consist of two staff meetings with a duration of three hours, as well as a parents’ meeting where parents will receive a lecture where they will gain knowledge about how we work in the kindergarten, and how they can contribute to this work.
Pilot project school
We want to carry out a similar project in school.
If you work at a school, or know of a school that would like to be involved in such a project, feel free to contact Cecilie Stenhaug, responsible for upbringing and education.

Tutu booklets
was supported by Rotary in Holmestrand and Sande, and was distributed to parents in Holmestrand municipality.
The booklet can be used for good conversational moments with children, and also consists of a separate guidance section for parents.
The guidance in the booklet has subsequently been edited so that it’s useful for adults who work with children.
We also plan to prepare several Tutu booklets, which address various topics that are important to children. Including death, painful secrets, and how to work to create good solutions together with others.
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Qualified for the future
In 2017, the book Qualified for the future was published in Norwegian. A book for teachers on how to use DB-System® (formerly ConsciousnessTraining) when working with children and youth. Since then, we’ve had projects in kindergartens and schools. This has given us important experience, which means that we see a need to edit the book. This is now in work, and with funding it will be completed in spring/autumn 2024.
Certification for those who work with children and youth
Pilot project and preparation of the teaching material (Qualified for the future and Tutu booklets) are important to have in place when we start to develope a certification for those who work with children and youth in an educational context.

What should the current education system be like?
We want to contribute to a good debate about how the education system should be.
What is a safe and good upbringing?
And how can we create this?
In 2018, Cecilie Stenhaug wrote an article about violations in kindergarten. An article that was later included in the book Ny mobbelov for barnehager. .(In English: New law against bullying in kindergarten)
She has also written the article Trenger man utdanning for å jobbe med barn?. (In English: Do you need education in order to work with children?). There she addresses the topic of being personally suitable, and what kindergarten staff do when no theory or method gives clear answers.
We continue to write more articles and actively participate in the debate about children and youth’s upbringing.
What are we working towards?
A human-oriented education
We want kindergartens and schools to be a good and safe place for children and youth, while educating people so they are qualified for «life» – meaning they can handle the tasks and challenges of the present and the future.
In such an education, the most important knowledge will be knowledge about how we function as human beings. We must learn about connections between feelings, thoughts and actions. We must learn to set goals, deal with life’s adversities and successes, while gaining good mastering experiences when it comes to reading, writing and mathematics. Knowledge, skills and competence they need in what we think of as «people-oriented education».
To achieve this, we use DB-System® as the basis for everything we do. DB-System® provides knowledge about how we function as human beings, used with cognitive techniques for handling emotions, relationships, tasks and challenges. As for everything else life may consist of. This gives children the opportunity to get a good start in life, while the method promotes creativity, intuition, empathy, alertness and adaptability. Resources we need in order to be able to cooperate to create new and better solutions in society. In this way, the education system can be a key institution when it comes to creating good solutions for the community.
We need your support
We have received support from Rotary to illustrate and print the first Tutu booklet. Otherwise, the projects have been based on voluntary work from us.
We will continue to move forwart with it, but it will go faster with your support.
You can also get involved by telling people about us.