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A good conversation turned into an article in media

Deborah Borgen på kontoret i Kalvetangveien. Foto: Asbjørn Olav Lien – Tønsberg Blad

In May, Deborah attended a workshop called: How to make your company known in media. It led to a good conversation with Marie Olaussen, who is development editor at Tønsberg Blad. She was very clear about the fact that the work we do must be covered in media in several ways.

Marie was captivated by Deborah’s story, and all the years she has worked hard towards her dream of a foundation. The fact that it was a German woman who made it possible to establish the foundation gave the media a different and exciting angle to an article. Media is important for getting the word out about the work that Deborah Borgen’s foundation does, so that many more can become familiar with us.

Committed to the future

As a foundation, we will contribute to changing the treatment offer and the education system, so that these important social institutions are adapted to the times in which we live.

We can no longer sit quietly and watch as more and more children struggle in their daily school life, that patients don’t get the treatment they need, that society’s helpers do not have time to provide care, or that relatives must do all other tasks than just being next of kin.

Receiving NOK 400,000 has made a huge difference, because it made it possible to open the foundation. On June 24th, the foundation turned 1 year old, and has been driven forward by voluntary work. Now we need more supporters to be able to achieve our goals and create the new solutions we need in society.

We have to think anew – everyone knows how demanding it is to change what is already established.

We need courageous supporters who dare to contribute to new solutions for the future.

You can read the article from Tønsberg Blad here >>> (In Norwegian)

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