
We work with projects that influence the mental health of children, youth and adults. Our focus areas are children's and youth's upbringing, substance abuse, psychiatry and treatment services for people who are in, or have experienced, difficulties and life crises.

It is important for us to contribute to preventive work. We will contribute to implementing projects that strengthen professionals competence of good interaction with people. We will also provide children, youth and adults with knowledge and techniques that will equip them to handle life's minor and major tasks and challenges.

Våre prosjekter

Previous projects

Some of the projects were carried out before Deborah Borgen’s Foundation was established.

All the projects have contributed to the foundation's further work. 

I Kjeldås Barnehage Sande – Velle har de ansatte lært hvordan de kan bruke en liten del av DB-System®,til stressmestring og refleksjon over egen praksis.

Evalueringen viser blant annet at de ansatte opplever å finne ro, og bedre løsninger med foreldre, barn og kollegaer. De sier også at prosjektet har gitt teknikker til å hjelpe barn med følelsesregulering, og at det har blitt en større ro i barnegruppa.

Prosjektet ledet også til en Program for kindergartens.

Les mer om prosjektet og resultatene her >>>

Gjennom tre undervisningsøkter, har elevene i 9. klasse ved Skagerak International School i Tønsberg, fått verktøy for å håndtere stress, jobbe med mål og håndtere følelser.

Tilbakemeldingen fra skolen er klar: «Prosjektet har gitt dem (elevene) nye verktøy for livsmestring.»

Les mer om prosjektet og tilbakemeldingen fra skolen her >>>

Tutu-booklet for the 4-year old

With support from Rotary Sande, we have developed a booklet that contributes to good conversations with children.

The booklet also includes a separate section with guidance and advice on how parents can help their child sorting through experiences, thoughts and feelings. 

Les mer om dette prosjektet her >>>

Put a smile out there! – Working together for mental health

Being there for each other is more important than ever.

Statistics show that an increasing number of children, youth and adults struggle mentally, and many feel alone with their dark thoughts.

We are doing something about this with this project.

Les mer om dugnaden her >>>

Mental health and substance abuse

In 2018/2019, we carried out a project in Trondheim municipality in the field of mental health and substance abuse.

The purpose of the project was initially to train the staff and provide concrete techniques for self-care, as well as look at ways to integrate the basic course in DB-System® (formerly known as ConsciousnessTraining™) as part of an offer in mental health and substance abuse.

Two groups of employees from the Unit for substance abuse services and the Unit for mental health and substance abuse – the crisis centre, in addition to other invitees, carried out the project over a period of nine months.

Report from Trondheim municipality

Report from project and course development


In January 2019, we started a project at a school in Vestfold. The purpose of the project was to gain experience with the use of the program “Qualified for the future” in school, so that we gain more knowledge about how to work goal-oriented with mental health and life mastery skills in primary school.

The project was carried out over a period of 1 1/2 years. Teachers and assistants from two classes at the middle level participated in twice in the basic course in DB-System® (formerly known as ConsciousessTraining™). Their goals with the project were; "A safe and inclusive class environment".

One of the results from this project is that we now are working on a certification program for teachers.

Final note – school project


We have carried out a project in Løken kindergarten in Lørenskog municipality, Norway.

The purpose of this project was to gain experience with our educational system in kindergartens, as described in the book “Qualified for the future.”

The staff completed the basic course twice. After the course, the staff followed step-by-step guidance on how to work with adults' interaction skills, and children's and youth’s life mastery skills.

The staff received guidance on how to integrate good routines for goal-oriented reflection practice in their work. An important focus was the interaction that takes place in meetings with children, parents and colleagues.

In addition, the staff used the collection scheme about the car Tutu which travels around the world to help children deal with minor and major tasks and challenges we may face in life.

The project was carried out March 2017 – November 2018.

Description of the project

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