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Mental health and substance abuse: ”This is exactly what we need.”

Lena, Deborah og Tron – Psykisk helse og rus - Brobygger'n

Together with Deborah, Lena and Tron will contribute by telling of their own experiences, in order to get DB-System® into the treatments offered for mental health and substance abuse.

Not only the participants at the 7-week course at Brobygger’n were excited about the great results they had achieved in such a short time – but also the manager, who briefly summarized ”This is exactly what we need.”

And what is ”this”, you may be wondering?

We use a well-documented treatment model to help people with mental challenges, as well as substance abuse and other mental disorders, regain good quality of life.
They gain knowledge about how we function as human beings, what innate resources we have and what mechanisms steer us, as well as techniques for change and stress management. Over a period of seven 3-hours sessions on Thursday evenings participants with different backgrounds and life situations have been able to learn, practice and master.

The results are almost unbelievable:

All the participants gained motivation and belief that they can master their own lives (life mastery). They stand stronger within themselves and have also improved their health.

”The ups and downs are much more balanced, noticeable in their mood.
And finally, I’ve had a full night’s sleep, and woke up refreshed.”
– Tron

The course enables each individual to better handle their life challenges and all the participants gained more motivation to do so – and they stand stronger within themselves.

”Improvement in daily life and improvement of PTSD, and anxiety has decreased.
Have greater hope for recovery.
Have greater motivation and, not least, tools to handle challenges one has.”
– Course participant

The course confirms the research results on DB-System® – and once again shows that it is possible to create a treatment offer, that fulfills everything that the healthcare system and municipalities demand: lasting changes in a short period of time (seven evenings in this case), ”Empowerment” (strengthened individual/life mastery) and transdiagnostic (everyone can participate in the same course/treatment, regardless of diagnosis or life situation). DB-System® also has documented effect when it comes to self-care for healthcare personnel.

Deborah Borgen
”It is true joy to see people, in such a short period of time, bring forth and take back resources and power in their own lives,” says Deborah Borgen, who has both developed and was the instructor for this course.

Seven evenings of 3 hours each were all that was needed for Lena to get her «energy in life back»; Tron got ”a full night’s sleep,” and all participants experienced health benefits of various nature.

Excerpts from answers to the questionnaire:

”Better sleep, wake up in due time now.
For at least 13 years, from 2010, I haven’t had the strength and energy to tidy and keep my home and things in order. Most things take days and weeks, because I get exhausted and need to rest and sleep.

I think it was during the 4th evening that I realized the «lie» that was the cause.

After that, I have cleaned my entire apartment and have set a very high goal for work,
because for many years I’ve only been able to work 40%, now I think it’s closer to 100%.”
– Lena

A unique combination of knowledge about:

  • how we function as human beings
  • how the brain functions consciously and subconsciously
  • the mental processes

In addition to:

  • training of the brain in mental exercises, and
  • techniques for rood causes that result in lasting change (SIM)

Enables participants to gain hope, a sense of mastery, motivation to do something and thereby also create change.

This course gave the participants a completely new perspective on life, and it provides empowerment.

The term ”empowerment” deepens important perspectives regarding participation. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines empowerment as a process where people gain grater control over decisions and actions that influence their lives. It can be translated as empowerment or ”to make strong”.

The starting point for this resource-focused approach is the individual’s own resources, skills and competence. The role of the service provider is to help raise awareness and strengthen these so that the individual can reach their potential, and to assist the patient and user to have access to customized services of good quality. Empowering means that those providing services share power and give freedom and responsibility. (Source: Directorate of Health)

DB-System® is a neutral system, based on the whole person, regardless of our belief system. The techniques can be used by oneself, adapted to one’s own situation/challenge and treat/change underlying causes.

This means that everyone, regardless of diagnosis or life situation, will get results.

Deborah has always had a philosophy that we must look at the whole person and their history, and not diagnoses. This is fully in line with the new international framework PTMF.

A course which provides results no matter the diagnoses, is completely unique within mental health, as most treatment options are specifically aimed at a diagnosis/problem.

Said on the last day of the course: ”It’s completely unique – embracing so many different people, so many backgrounds, and everyone is seen and heard and gets the results they need – it’s really special.”

Transdiagnostic: ”Cross-diagnostic (transdiagnostic) approaches address the underlying processes thought to maintain mental disorders, while targeting specific diagnoses and problem areas. Diagnosis-wide approaches are therefore thought to be more appropriate than diagnosis-specific forms of treatment.” (Source:

The fact that the course provides empowerment, is transdiagnostic and achieves results within a short and time-limited period means that it is not only cost-effective for society, but also for the individual. The system that is to help not only saves money, but it is also time-efficient. Time for those who help, and time for those who need help.

As researchers themselves have stated about DB-System®, it will be cost-effective for society because individuals can take care of their own life situation.

Deborah tells: ”One of the course participants told me that those who were supposed to help at DPS did not want to ‘open the deep drawers’, because they were afraid of what would emerge. So instead, the person concerned was put on medication.

This makes me both sad, but also furiously engaged. It is precisely these drawers that we must open – the underlying causes that we must find – in order to create good lasting changes. Symptom treatment and medication are not sufficient.

At the same time, I understand that it can be difficult to open «these drawers» if you haven’t learned anything about the mechanisms of the brain and how you can do it in a safe way – neither as a therapist nor as a user/patient.

And this is what the DB-System® as a treatment model does – provides knowledge, understanding and techniques to change the underlying causes in a completely unique way.”

Deborah Borgen’s Foundation promotes good mental health in the population, and has a treatment model that is well documented. As course participants say: ”this MUST be part of the treatment offered for mental health and substance abuse”.

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Vipps: #915686 (Deborah Borgens Stiftelse)

Deborah Borgen’s Foundation is a non-profit organization and depends on your support.

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