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Good aftercare

Kurset «Fra vold til et liv i trygghet» er et tiltak for godt ettervern.

Even in 2023, there are many people who experience violence and abuse in Norway. Many are also exposed to violence in close relationships – both physical and psychological. (Source: NKVTS)

The foundation is actively working to do something about this heartbreaking statistic. While we contribute to building good aftercare for all those who have experienced violence.

One of the measures we have is the course From violence to a life in safety, and on June 1st the first participants completed the course under the auspices of the foundation.

Health gain

After only 6 sessions, all the participants gained a greater understanding of their own situation and better quality sleep. In addition they had more courage to move towards new goals and motivation to handle challenges. And as one of the most important things: a sense of cohesion and tools to deal with challenges.

«After experiencing the transformations and seeing the results, it is quite clear that the course must be part of good aftercare. It gives health benefits, strengthens people mentally and break free from the victim role,» says Dorothee Tettweiler who is a very enthusiastic course instructor.

A safe zone

From April to June, the participants met once a week, and learned about how they can take back control in their own lives, what happens when we are triggered and how our brain runs on autopilot.

All the participants have also established a safe zone within themselves – an effective first aid tool for dealing with stress.

Better quality sleep  

During the course there were various tasks. One of the tasks was to practice writing down worries and thoughts, and focus on solutions. In addition, they had to practice planning how they wanted tomorrow to be.

Having to familiarize yourself with what one want tomorrow to contain set many thoughts in motion. For most women who have experienced violence and abuse, it is common not to have too high expectations.

After being taught how to do it, and some practicing, the result came. Focusing on good things happening, that they are mastering tasks and have found new solutions, gave the participants a boost in their daily lives.

And right after the course, before the last day of summary, many of the participants experienced better night’s sleep and less worries.

Mental Pep-talk – an inner dialogue to comfort oneself

The course participants were also introduced to SIM (Self-guided Imagery in Meditation) and were taught a simple technique, which they could use to support and comfort themselves. The technique is also used to prepare for meetings, conversations and challenging situations.

This gave a boost in daily life and the participants said that they now had more courage and motivation to deal with challenges.

We also learned that being able to share experiences, while focusing on solutions and what one can do to have a better life, gave the participants new hope and strength.

Chairman Deborah Borgen was also present on the last day. She shared her experiences of using the tools to change her own traumas and how she got out of the victim role.

Going forward

We wish all the participants from the spring course the best of luck!

The next course is planned for the autumn and if you are interested in participating, or know someone who could greatly benefit from the course, feel free to get in touch and write a short message to Dorothee:

Our dream is to train more course holders around the country. We are therefore starting a project in the autumn to explore how we can do it.

We need your support for the work

Feel free to share the article and tell others about the course, and we are grateful for all donations that make this work possible.

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